The Ultimate Harmony Comparison

So what makes this the “ultimate” Harmony Comparison?

I provide a quick compare pricing table so you can get a feel for the latest pricing of all Harmony remotes at Amazon in under a minute.

Finally, I’ll give you some overviews of ALL active Harmony remotes: Elite/Pro, Companion, Hub, Express, Smart Control, Ultimate, 950, 880, 700/665/650, and 350.

Every Harmony remote that you can buy today is reviewed and discussed either in my giant new PDF chart or in the body of this post.

My goal is to hook you up with the most helpful guide to Harmony remotes available on the Internet, bar none. After reviewing this, I hope you will leave a comment to let me know how I did.

Why a Logitech Harmony Comparison Chart?

Since I started this review site a little over a year ago, two things became immediately clear.

First, Logitech dominates the universal remote-control market in a big way. Some new contenders have entered the market (e.g., Caavo Control Center), but Logitech is still the prevailing force.

Second, the clutter of misinformation about the company’s remotes poses some major challenges. This is true for would-be buyers and reviewers alike!

For example, many sites get even the most basic specs about these remotes wrong—IR vs. Hub, battery type, number of activity buttons, number of supported devices—you name it.

We can’t have that.

Enter the all-new Logitech Harmony Comparison Chart, freshly updated for 2021. Sections of our shiny new PDF chart include:

  • What’s in the Box
  • Universal Remote Features
  • Detailed Compatibility Guide

If you’re wondering about Logitech’s support for a specific product you own, this is not that list. I recommend that you check Logitech’s device compatibility database instead.

Compare Pricing Table

Here’s another Logitech Harmony Comparison Chart that also shows the price and type of each remote at a glance. This information is pulled in using Amazon’s API. Prices should update nightly but are current as of the date displayed at the bottom of the chart.

The Answers Have Been Elusive Until Now

I created the Logitech Harmony Comparison Chart to help you get answers to questions like:

  • What actually comes in the box with each remote (charging station, Hub, IR blasters, etc.)?
  • Which remotes work with Alexa?
  • What are the major feature differences between the Logitech harmony Elite, Ultimate, Companion, Hub, Smart Control, 950, 650/665, 350, and more
  • What is the difference between IR and Hub-based remotes?
  • Which remotes are compatible with which devices (soundbars, streaming media, game consoles)?
  • Which remotes will control smart home technology like lighting, thermostats, etc.?

Depending on where you look, you will get different answers from above. We have been looking everywhere, and the results are downright scary!

Product Overviews

IThis section will give a brief overview of each product in the Harmony line, along with links to Amazon and full product reviews where available. We’ll embed some Logitech video ads and popular video reviews as well.

Logitech Harmony Elite / Pro  /2400

logitech harmony elite

The Harmony Elite is the flagship of the Logitech Harmony product line. It features the best touchscreen you can get on a Harmony remote, swipe and tap abilities, and full control over entertainment and smart devices. One-touch activities let you program multiple devices to work in concert. For example, Watch a Movie” could turn on your TV, soundbar, lower the blinds, dim the lights, set the lights to a certain color, and more. The Elite comes with the Harmony remote, Hub, and App. This is the best remote you can buy today that will take you well into the future.

Some features that make it stand out in comparison with the other Hub remotes are as follows:

  • A full-color touch LCD screen
  • Supports up to 15 devices in your media /smart home arsenal
  • Tap and swipe control supported
  • Haptic feedback on the touchscreen
  • Backlit buttons
  • All buttons are fully customizable

The Harmony Pro and 2400 are fancier editions of the Elite with additional hardware and professional installation service. You can read about them here.

Harmony Ultimate One

logitech harmony comparison chart

The Harmony Ultimate remote provides many of the same capabilities as the Elite at a lower price tag. However, there are some notable design differences.

Harmony Companion

logitech harmony companion

The Harmony Companion is a great budget option if you’re looking for a high-end remote with many of the same features as the Elite and Ultimate. The obvious main difference is that the Companion doesn’t have an LCD touchscreen. Also, the home control buttons are limited to certain activities, which is not true on the Elite. However, you can use it with the Harmony app and Alexa for voice control. For example, you can ask Alexa to turn on the TV or activate the “Watch a Movie activity described above.

Harmony Smart Control

logitech harmony smart control comparison

Harmony Smart Control is nearly identical to the companion in every way from a functionality perspective. It will also control up to eight devices, including smart home stuff and Alexa. The main difference is the design. The Smart Control comes with a smaller, lighter remote that some customers like.

Logitech Harmony Hub

logitech harmony hub

Suppose you just want a way to control multiple devices using your smartphone and Alexa [without an actual all-in-one physical remote]. In that case, the Logitech Harmony Hub is a good affordable way to go. Thanks to LifeHackster for the entertaining video review. I’ve had a few of those Buffalo chicken nights you mention myself.

You can add a harmony remote later, such as the 950, if you decide you want a physical remote in addition to the Hub. You can read a review that outlines the differences between the Elite and Hub here.

Harmony 950 Advanced IR

logitech harmony 950 advanced ir

If you just want control over your entertainment center devices but no home automation capabilities, the 950 may be worth a look. It is essentially the Elite without the Hub. The Hub is what enables you to control smart home devices such as smart lights, smart locks, smart blinds, etc. It also gives you the ability to control devices behind closed cabinets. In addition, the Hub is what allows the remote to communicate with Alexa. If these things are NOT important to you, check out the 950. You can also add a Hub at a later date.

Harmony 880

harmony 880 comparison

Although Logitech has discontinued it, the Harmony 880 is a great no-frills universal remote that does include a touchscreen. Unfortunately, it does not work with Alexa, but this is a great deal if you want to consolidate multiple remotes, and Alexa isn’t a priority. Logitech will also still support this remote in a limited capacity if you buy it.

Logitech Harmony 650

logitech harmony 650 comparison

The Harmony 650 is a good budget option if you simply want to consolidate multiple remotes (up to 8) down to one. It does not support Alexa, Google Home, or Siri, and there is no home automation or smartphone integration (no app). There is also no Hub requirement. This is an infrared remote with a small LCD screen that is used to show icons and commands [no touchscreen]. It also doesn’t include a docking /charging station, but you can get 3rd-party rechargeable batteries for it.

Logitech Harmony 350

logitech harmony comparison chart

Like the 650, the 350 is a budget option for consolidating up to eight remotes. In recent weeks, the price has dropped on the 650 substantially, making it a more compelling buy over the 350. For around $10 more, you get the LCD screen and a better all-around remote. Still, if you are on a strict budget and like the all-black color over the 650’s gray [we think it looks cooler], this may be worth looking at.

What Changed This Year?

Two major changes that took place this year are that Harmony sunset its Alexa-only remote, the Harmony Express. It is no longer being marketed and sold. However, the company is offering to give a free Elite upgrade to existing Express customers. This is a great deal as the Elite is a better remote, and you still get basic voice control with Alexa and Google Assistant as well.

Another thing that was added earlier in the year is the new 2400 premium option. This super high-end remote is probably overkill for most people, but it does give those with complex home theater setups the white glove experience from a certified installer. You can read more about how 2400 differs from Pro and Elite here.

Harmony Hub vs. IR Based Remotes

I often get asked the difference between Logitech’s Hub and IR-based remotes. Therefore, I have added this section to this year’s guide.

Logitech manufacturers and supports two types of Harmony remotes: Hub-based remotes and Infrared [IR] remotes.

Hub Remotes

Hub-based remotes work with a Harmony Hub and control your devices using a Wi-fi or Bluetooth Signal. Generally speaking, Harmony Hub-based remotes can be used to control your smart home devices (e.g., smart lights, thermostats, blinds, other hubs, etc.) and the devices in your entertainment center. Harmony Hub Based products are also compatible with smart speakers like Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

IR Remotes

IR remotes do not require the Harmony Hub and control your IR-based devices using an infrared signal. They do not support Wi-fi or Bluetooth smart home devices or Alexa /Google Home. IR-based remotes can like control most devices in your entertainment center, however. They will typically require line of site [LoS] to these devices, meaning performance will degrade significantly when trying to control devices behind closed cabinets or in other rooms.

Logitech Harmony Products By Type [All]

Here’s a breakdown of all Harmony remotes by type [Hub or IR]. You can use the Search field to filter the table to specific results. For example, if you just want to see the Hub remotes, enter “Hub.”

If you are interested, you can see a more detailed comparison of the differences between Hub and IR remotes on Logitech’s website.


We hope you find our Logitech Harmony Comparison Chart and review helpful. If you did, would you mind giving us a quick share on Facebook or Twitter using the buttons at the top of this page?

Do you plan on purchasing one of these universal remotes? If so, do you plan to use it to control your entertainment center, smart home devices, or maybe a combination of the two?

About the Author

Tim Brennan, Technical Writer & Blogger

Tim Brennan [a.k.a. “Tec Timmy”] is a senior technical writer with over 25 years of experience writing for companies and organizations in and around Greater Boston, including GE and MIT. In addition to actively writing for this site, Tim is also a regular contributor over at, a smart home blog. Tim holds a BA in Journalism from Northeastern University. Brennan is a father to two sons, an active blogger, a Star Wars nut, and loves a good taco. There is a strong chance he is developing a crush on Amazon Alexa. You can learn more about Tim here.

Related Tags:

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